Friday, March 12, 2010

"Reading" his Zebra Book

Funny how he seemed so much more understandable when I took this video than he does now, 9 months later.  :)  Here is his version (as best as I can tell) of some lines from the book, Toby Zebra and the Lost Zoo, that he's "reading" from memory.  Brackets provide clarification to help you understand what he's trying to say.  Definitely should have posted this one closer to when I took the video so I could remember how to interpret Luke's speech better!  :)

A gate [was] open.  "Hmmm," [said] Toby.  This [has never] happened before.

He looked at lots of cages.  And no tigers in the tiger cage.  No monkeys in tiger cage.  No tigers in tiger cage.  The elephant gone this cage!

Only a black cat come to see Toby.  (I'm a little lost as to the rest of his words besides "the cat, meow" for the rest of this page spread - pretty different than the book's words).  :)

He passed a church.  He crossed a bridge.  He crossed the coal thing.  [ :P ]  The looked like mountains.

All black!

The go-gos [cars] stopped.  A truck stopped [not in the book!].  "Phweet!  Phweet!" [the policeman's whistle]  Toby... [not sure what he's intending after this]

It's raining.  Goats [not the animal in the book].  No tigers.  "This [was a] funny joke [on] us."  "You're a zebra!  You not [don't belong on] a farm.  You..."  Chicken.  Mommy, daddy chicken.  [just pointing out something in the picture]

"Toby, Toby!  I missed you!"  There's the zebras.  [again just pointing stuff out]  Monkeys, monkeys, inside the cage.  Tigers and lions not inside the cage.

Tigers inside the cage.  Giraffes inside the cage.

Where'd the truck one go?

You in the truck, man's truck.  "Are you getting me a pony?"  "No, Billy."  "This pony on the busy street."  The truck.

All the animals run away to the barn.

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