Friday, December 31, 2010

Jonathan Laughing!

Captured some GREAT belly laughs from Jonathan!  This is his first time in the saucer here at home (he was in one for a little bit at Joanna's house before Christmas), and I think he likes it!  :)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Jonathan Being Cute

Some more cute smiles and coos from Jonathan!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Balloon Rockets

Nathan is helping Luke release a balloon rocket on Christmas day.  This was the toy/weapon that all the adult men got in their stockings this year.  :)  I wish I had kept recording just a few seconds longer since Luke does a cute little excited dance, but ah well.  :)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Flying Buzz Lightyear

We heard & saw this over and over those first few days after Christmas - still some now, but not as frequently as it was then.  :)  Also Luke is quoting Buzz from the original Toy Story movie when he says "...CAN!" after "flying" around the room during an argument with Woody over whether he could or couldn't fly.

Opening Buzz

Opening his second "big" gift this Christmas.  It's comments like this (and his ability to do all his own present opening this year) that made us feel like "parents" for the first time this Christmas.  :)

Opening Woody

Cuteness on "Christmas" morning!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

"Reading" his Truck Book

We got this truck book that used to be Nathan's as a boy, "Let's Go, Trucks", and Luke LOVES it!  He has the entire thing memorized.  Here's the text of the pages he "reads" in case you can't understand all of his lingo.  Occasionally he'll leave a line or word out, but he gets most of it - what I've written is what he actually says:

Big trucks, little trucks, loud ones, quiet ones.  All kinds of trucks for all kinds of jobs.  The trucks are rolling!  Here they come!

What has two [should be "twelve"] tails, one horn, and squeals?  A dozen pigs in a livestock truck.  These busy trucks haul sheep, pigs, horses, and cows from the farm to the market.

Round and round, the concrete's churning.  Rumble, rumble, turn and tumble.  Concrete mixer trucks are coming.

Turtles don't have stoves, ice chests, storage bins, tables or benches inside their shells.  But campers do.  It's too bad turtles can't have campers.

Moving to Kalamazoo?  You need a moving van.  Everything is packed and stacked and tied inside.  In Kalamazoo, you'll find your things there, too.

Ummmm!  Warm bread!  Fresh bread from the oven, the loaves are popped into the bread truck and rushed to stores all over town, so you can get a bit of better bread for your butter.

What do tanker trucks carry?  Gasoline, oil, kerosine.  Wax and even ink.  Lots of other liquids, too.  That's what tankers carry.

How do you haul raspberry sherbet across a desert?  In a refrigerator truck.  It's frosty enough inside to please a polar bear, but polar bears aren't allowed.  They might eat the raspberry sherbet!

Tow trucks tow cars.  Tow trucks tow trucks.  Tow trucks tow tow trucks.  There's not much that tow trucks don't tow.

Up and up goes the utility truck.  The cars are all honking...  The red light is stuck.

Down and down goes the well-driller's drill.  The cows are all bawling for the new well to fill.

This is the mighty flatbed truck that hauled the steam shovel that never got stuck that worked on the road all smooth and new that carries the cars to Springtown.

Cut off the siren!  Unreel the hose!  The fire's roaring!  Pour on the water!  The fire's sizzling.  Pour on the water!  The fire's out.  Let's all go home.

Stacks and sacks [of money] ride inside an armored truck.  That's why the [truck carries] guards who carry guns.  Crafty criminals and crooks can't crack into armored trucks.

A farmer's truck can deliver eggs, yank up a stump, or haul hay into horses.  It even can stay [should be "can even turn"] into a fruit stand.  Fresh strawberries here!

Delivery trucks delivering.  Beep, beep!  Beep, beep!  Almost anything you wish.  Flowers.  Mail.  Laundry.  Fish.  Boxes.  Socks and bags.  Beep, beep!

Have a heavy load to haul?  Call a dump truck.  Tip it up.  Dump it out.  Want to haul a hill away?  Call a dump truck.

People make wishes when a transporter [should be "transport trailer"].  "Aren't they beauties?  Aren't they fine?  Wish that one of those cars were mine!"  People make wishes when a transporter rolls by.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Coo Conversation

I just really enjoy this little "coo conversations" with Jonathan - can you blame me?  :)

Monday, December 6, 2010

More Smiling!

Jonathan talks a little bit here, but does a lot of happy smiling!  Add that to the Christmas music and Luke playing in the background, and you have a very merry video.  :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Luke Playing Angry Birds

Nathan taught Luke how to play the "Angry Birds" game on his iphone.  It's so amazing to see his coordination and intelligence to figure out something like that.  My little boy is getting so big!

Baby Talk

Jonathan's talking is getting more determined.  I love to see his expression trying to figure everything out.  :)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

2010 Hughes Family Film Festival

This year, since Luke was still too young to act, and we now had a 2 month old, I was not sure what to do for our annual submission to the Hughes Family Film Festival at Thanksgiving.  The previous year, Dan and Jennifer did the first half of the alphabet with their kids, so I piggy-backed on that idea and did a counting one!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


The first cute little baby sounds are beginning to be heard!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Paper Airplanes

Nathan and Luke flying paper airplanes off of our balcony.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Enjoy these early baby smiles from Jonathan!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Lifting Head up High

All of these mad head-lifting skills are probably pretty basic for most babies, but following Luke's "large-head syndrome", I'm amazed at how soon Jonathan can do things with his head.  :)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

1 Month Old!

Some cuteness for Jonathan's 1 month birthday!  He was in the throws of baby acne at this point, but still cute.  :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Taking a Bow

I don't know exactly where he picked this up, but every time his microphone will clap, he'll say "Thank you, thank you, thank you very much" and bow.  Elvis, anyone?  :P

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Holding Up Head

More stellar head-lifting skills!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Turning Head Over

Here's Jonathan's amazing feat of turning his head over (it took Luke forever before he could do this!), along with some comical footage of Luke's reaction to Jonathan's crying.  :P

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

First Tummy Time

I was amazed to see Jonathan lifting his head up and turning it from side to side on the FIRST time we put him down for tummy time!  He was only 4 days old!  I didn't manage to capture the complete head turn on this first day, but I did capture it in the next video.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Jonathan Phillip Hughes

Quick little video of Jonathan Phillip Hughes in the hospital on his first day here!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Playing T-Ball

We got Luke this T-ball set for our new backyard with some of his birthday money.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Singing Songs

Here are a few of Luke's favorite songs that he sings all the time.  He was being kind of silly because of the camera - hence the spinning in circles & falling down, but you get the idea of the songs.  :)

And, I'm aware that it cuts off abruptly at the end - must have been the end of my memory card or something.  :)


Cute video of Luke "cooking" his play food for us.  I love how he says, "pepper", and also how his fingers very carefully open and close all of his pretend condiments.  Fun!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Playing with Purl

Playing with Grandma Maloney's kitten!  Love the laughing!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Luke's First Sparkler

Luke got to do a few sparklers by himself!  This was his very first one - caught on video.  Fun!  We also set off some fountain fireworks, which were a first for Luke to see also.  :)

Poppers Dance

Doing a silly dance with Grandpa Maloney after a popper goes off.  :)


We flew to Oregon on July 4th, so Luke got to enjoy all the benefits of fireworks in Oregon... starting with poppers (which, incidentally are the one "firework" allowed in LA County).  :)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Sing Happy Birthday!

Celebrating Luke's 3rd Birthday with the customary Hughes-style birthday song!

Pool Fun

We had some water fun at the beginning of Luke's 3rd birthday party.  When it got a little chaotic pairing the trampoline and the swimming pool, we had the kids take turns - Luke actually decides to sit down in the water on his turn!  He had previously been a wading only kind of guy for the most part.  After this, he got very comfortable with the water and splashed and cavorted with the best of them!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Birthday Present

Luke opening a present on his birthday.  Note the comics standing in for wrapping paper... we were going to be moving the following weekend and were about to leave for a week-long trip to Oregon, and I had already packed the wrapping paper.  Oops.  :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day Card

Luke is explaining the pop-up animation in the Father's Day card he picked out for Nathan.  :)

Monday, May 31, 2010

Slip 'n Slide

Memorial Day water party - Luke can "do" the slip 'n slide all by himself this year!  I remember some of the older cousins modeling this technique when they were about Luke's age - run then fall at the end into the puddle of water.  :P

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Number Puzzle

More puzzle cuteness!

Farm Puzzle

Cute animal sounds with this puzzle.  :)

Alphabet Puzzle

Long video, but fun to see Luke's thought processes as he puts the letters together with their items on the puzzle.  He says, "A mamos Apple" - neither Nathan or I have any clue why he says that.  It's like his made up word for "stands for", "is for", etc.  :)

Monday, May 10, 2010


Luke saying the impressive word, "Hippopotamus" after he says "Giraffe" and "Tiger".  He won't settle for "Hippo" - it has to be the whole, long word.  :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Super cute way to say "spaghetti"!

Peek-a-Boo with Vijay

This was so cute!  Vijay would put his hands over his face, then Luke would say, "Where's Vijay?"  Then, Vijay would take off his hands and Luke would say, "Peek-a-boo!"  Then they'd both erupt into giggles.  :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cookie Video

This is the new version of the classic Cookie Monster song, "C is for Cookie".  Luke will shout out the different colors that the "C" turns during the first part of the song.  And he'll sing along with it a little bit, too.  He seems a bit nervous of the camera here - I think he would sing along more usually.  :)  Then, of course, he'll pretend to eat a cookie just like Cookie Monster does at the end.  :P

Monday, April 19, 2010

Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!

This was a frequent occurrence while we lived at the condo.  I would take Luke on a walk to get the mail and play outside for a bit - conveniently just before Nathan was due to arrive home.  Then, when we saw his car drive by, Luke would run all the way back to our building shouting, "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy..." over and over till he got to Nathan.  Very cute!  I just had to capture it on camera one day to remember it.  :)

Monday, March 29, 2010

"Crunch! Tastes terrible, sir!"

This is a line from "It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown" that's in one of Luke's books.  There was a phase of time when Luke said this particular line ALL.  THE.  TIME.  For no apparent reason, other than he just thought it was funny.  :P

FYI: It's a line that Marcie says to Peppermint Patty after Marcie takes a bite of hard-boiled egg while the shell is still on.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Garbage Truck Song

Here are a couple clips of Luke singing his "Garbage Truck Song" that he made up all by himself.  :P

Friday, March 12, 2010

Talking about Dinner

Capturing a few more cute phrases that he had been saying at the time - unique to this phase of his life.


Fum-mums.  (Muffins)

Dinosaur chicken nugs!  (nuggets)

Someday I might go in small water.  (hot tub outside by the HOA pool)  (He had been saying lots of these "someday..." sentences, and they were all so cute - to hear what he considered super cool, but that he was too little for.  :)

Talking about Book

Some cute discussion about his book later that day (which, by the way, was my parents' anniversary!).

"Reading" his Zebra Book

Funny how he seemed so much more understandable when I took this video than he does now, 9 months later.  :)  Here is his version (as best as I can tell) of some lines from the book, Toby Zebra and the Lost Zoo, that he's "reading" from memory.  Brackets provide clarification to help you understand what he's trying to say.  Definitely should have posted this one closer to when I took the video so I could remember how to interpret Luke's speech better!  :)

A gate [was] open.  "Hmmm," [said] Toby.  This [has never] happened before.

He looked at lots of cages.  And no tigers in the tiger cage.  No monkeys in tiger cage.  No tigers in tiger cage.  The elephant gone this cage!

Only a black cat come to see Toby.  (I'm a little lost as to the rest of his words besides "the cat, meow" for the rest of this page spread - pretty different than the book's words).  :)

He passed a church.  He crossed a bridge.  He crossed the coal thing.  [ :P ]  The looked like mountains.

All black!

The go-gos [cars] stopped.  A truck stopped [not in the book!].  "Phweet!  Phweet!" [the policeman's whistle]  Toby... [not sure what he's intending after this]

It's raining.  Goats [not the animal in the book].  No tigers.  "This [was a] funny joke [on] us."  "You're a zebra!  You not [don't belong on] a farm.  You..."  Chicken.  Mommy, daddy chicken.  [just pointing out something in the picture]

"Toby, Toby!  I missed you!"  There's the zebras.  [again just pointing stuff out]  Monkeys, monkeys, inside the cage.  Tigers and lions not inside the cage.

Tigers inside the cage.  Giraffes inside the cage.

Where'd the truck one go?

You in the truck, man's truck.  "Are you getting me a pony?"  "No, Billy."  "This pony on the busy street."  The truck.

All the animals run away to the barn.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hide & Seek

A couple cute clips of Luke learning how to play hide and seek (very one sided in this video), along with other cute comments from him - so cute to capture his toddler-ese on video!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Seven Video

Just from the sound, I'm sure some of you will recognize this Sesame Street video.  Luke really enjoys these particular ones.  As you can see here, he likes to drum along with them!  I had originally taken a video of the whole song, but after they start counting the things, Luke's expressions don't change much - he'll just sometimes count along - so I just stopped it after the first set of counting things.  Enjoy!

Drumming with Vijay

There was this box that arrived one of the days we were visiting Joanna.  Vijay and Luke thought it was great fun to drum on!  Vineetha was still a little young to participate fully, but she's trying to get in on the action, too.  :)

Friday, January 29, 2010

Carousel Ride

A couple clips of Luke on the carousel in the mall... on the day we found out we were expecting Jonathan!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


This is definitely a "for grandma or mommy" video.  It's 4-1/2 minutes of Luke coloring, but I think it's adorable!  He'll often say, "then take a... [insert color]", which is something a kid says as he's drawing a picture on the Drawing episode of Elmo's World.  :)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Song Motions

Luke's favorite Sunday School song at the time - he especially likes the "shoot the artillery" and "yes, Sir!" motions!  :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cinnamon Toast Crunch

The beginning of "reading" the cereal box.  :)  He was starting to recognize letters, so when he asked, I was showing him what those words said.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Letter Sounds Video

Cute hearing Luke talk along to this video.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Laptop Thank You

This was meant to be a nice thank you at the time my aunt & uncle gave this to Luke - sorry it took me almost a year to post it!!!  He seems a little distracted by the coolness of his new toy - don't you think?  Thank you!  He actually has a renewed interest in it lately and can do some of the games all by himself now.  :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Riding his Bicycle

Looking good, Luke!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Soccer Practice

Fun video clips of Luke kicking the soccer ball around with Daddy!