Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Figuring out Legos!

I just started making these single block towers out of legos for something to do while Luke "played" with them - which is usually quite unconventional. Then, he noticed what I was making, grabbed one, and was actually quite good at putting it on this house thing that I had made during a previous playtime! It seemed to help to have something more substantial for his hand to grip. Keep your ear open for him saying "Here you go, Mommy" - that's one of his new favorite phrases - so cute!

Oh, and the whole "upside down" thing in this video - I thought he would know what I was talking about because I say, "No, that's upside down" all the time when he's working with his puzzles and he'll turn the piece around and get it in the spot correctly. Well, he was rotating these towers around, thinking that's what I meant - he didn't quite get that they needed to be flipped over. Eventually though, in this play session, after demonstrating what I meant, he actually started to figure it out - and even turned them over without any prompting a few times! :)

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