Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Luke is doing better at trying to push the pedals on his bicycle! He still needs significant "help" from a slight downhill grade to the sidewalk to make it work - but you can see that he is pushing the pedals. Just needs more muscle and motivation! :) Good progress, Luke!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Blowing Bubbles!

I think this is the first time Luke's actually been successful at blowing bubbles! He actually blew hard enough to blow and detach a bubble from the want, but on camera, we only managed to catch these "almost-bubbles". Before, his blowing was never strong enough to do much of anything. :)

Birthday Noisemaker

My mom showed Luke how to use one of those birthday noisemakers when we were celebrating Matt's birthday. Luke did really well!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Colors Book

This is my mom going through the book "she" bought for Luke. I was impressed with how well he articulated the names of the colors! And, when they go back through all the pages in the book, he even remembered what some of them were without being prompted! It's probably mostly context at this point, since he usually just says whatever color is stuck in his brain at the time. But, I think (as of posting this a few weeks later) that he has actually figured out brown for sure! He knows and loves his brown playdough, brown shoes, and the stripes in one of my shirts. :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Twinkle Twinkle Dance

Luke has a unique dance for "Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star". It's the first song that starts off the set of demo songs on his keyboard, and he always does this cute little slow dance with his pointer fingers sticking up. You'll notice as the video progresses, that he has different dances for the other songs. Very cute!