Sunday, May 31, 2009

Tennis Lesson

Here's a quick video of Nathan teaching Luke how to hit a tennis ball. :)

More Bubble Cuteness

Friday, May 29, 2009

Throwing the Frisbee

We brought home these little mini discs as favors from my sister's wedding (they met while disc golfing, so there was some putting competitions during the reception), and Luke must have learned how to throw them just from watching us at the wedding. He's got the swing action figured out - now he just needs to work on aiming and follow-through. :P

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Truck on the Patio

Here's a peak at our cool evenings on the patio every once in awhile. Luke LOVES this dump truck - he often wants it to go across the patio with something riding in the back - his motorcycle, rocks, chalk, you name it!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Wiping off Dirt

So, I was teaching Luke how to rub his hands together to get the dirt off of his hands (instead of wiping them on his clothes, me, or something else inappropriate). He took that to be an excuse to pick up lots of new dirt so that he could practice! Cute boy.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Feeding the Ducks

While in Oregon, we went to a park where lots of ducks like to congregate. Eventually, Luke really got into the throwing bread stuff. :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Playing the Organ

Here's Luke getting his first "organ lesson" at my parent's house in Oregon!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Luke learning to use stickers - he likes it, but definitely isn't "organized" about it. :P

Monday, May 18, 2009

Tree Climber

This is the tree that Luke likes to "climb" outside after we get the mail.


The beginning of this video shows some cute playing that Luke did for awhile with his little stuffed animals - he'd "walk" them along the rail of his playpen and make this silly noise for them. :P

Most of the video is of him climbing up onto his ottoman and going through the "Pat the Bunny" book - very fun. :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Big Stick

Think this is was Teddy Roosevelt meant when he said "Walk softly and carry a big stick"? :P

Playground Master

Here is another playground area that Luke has "mastered". This one is taller, too, so Mommy was more nervous - but Luke did great!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ringing the Doorbell

Luke is finally tall enough and strong enough to ring the doorbell all by himself!

Mall Scooter

Here's another cute experience during that trip to the mall. Lots of fun can be had at the toy store when there are 5 adults to 2 kids (me, my in-laws, brother-in-law & his mom watching Luke & Evelyn).

Mall Truck

We went to the mall one morning with some family and Luke got to ride in some of the little vehicles they have there. He doesn't even need me to spend money to turn on the "ride" part of them - he's perfectly content to just sit inside, turn the steering wheel & push the buttons! ;)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Chasing Bubbles

Cute little guy (and kitty!) chasing bubbles! Sorry it's sideways - Nathan was filming and doesn't know that videos can't be flipped over.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Whistle Blowing

Luke really enjoyed this little "whistle"/noisemaker thingy that he got in a party favor bag from cousin Evelyn's birthday party. He's also *really* close to being able to climb up on our couch easily by himself.