Friday, April 24, 2009

Thomas Clapping

Luke thought it was great fun when I would whistle the tune to the "Thomas the Train" show - which was understandably stuck in my head after watching it over and over! He even would clap when I finished! :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Zoo Game

Here is a short clip showing how Luke's online computer zoo game is shaping up. He now likes to have all of his animals with him (from the play mat that is from the same company as the online game) and will usually match them up to the animal on the screen. So cute!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Throwing Football

Luke did a pretty good job throwing this soft football of Nathan's. Sometimes he would just drop it behind his head and sometimes he would kick it, but at least he was having fun!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Goldfish laughing

Luke got a kick out of pretending to offer me his goldfish. The silly things we're willing to do to make them laugh. Unfortunately, this has only led to incessant demands to give me his snacks - ugg - what did I start? :P

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Train Ride

Riding Thomas the Train!

Easter Egg Hunt

Hunting for Easter eggs in Grandma's backyard!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Opening Present

Here's Luke opening the Easter book that Grandma Hughes got him on Good Friday. He loved the curly ribbon!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Saying "Kitty"

I was so excited when Luke started saying an early form of "kitty" when he saw the cat in his "first words" book. I was even MORE excited, when he ran into the other room and proceeded to point to Cinnamon to say "kitty"! And back and forth - he not only could say the word, he was putting it together in his mind!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Walking Home

A typical time walking home from getting the mail with me in the afternoon. :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


We try to make it to the church's park playgroup once a week now that Luke is active & climbing. We rotate which park we meet at every month, and I think it's great when Luke figures out a new piece of playground equipment enough to do it without any help from me. Unfortunately, he's not *quite* there with this one. He could totally do it himself, but he kept going up on this additional step then would get scared and not be able to get back down without a hand. He eventually learned how do it on his own. :)